July 16, 2017, Lectionary

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The Bible doesn't show much successful initiative on Isaac's part, but here he shines--he prayed. He entreated the Lord! Genesis 25:19-34

Reading this psalm makes me want to read and respect the Bible even more than I do already. Psalm 119:105-112

Romans 8 sounds much like Romans 6, both possibilities opened up by Jesus and empowered by the Spirit. Romans 8:1-11

For you, is the story more about the prodigality of the sower, or the fortunes of the seeds, or the differences in the soil? Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Thoughts about Listening

Today, try listening sometime without agenda except to give the gift of listening. Genesis 25:19-34

There is ancient wisdom that could light our path today. Psalm 119:105-112

For deciding between competing advice (even from within oneself), consider the source and the end result. Romans 8:1-11

Most people can't listen until they've been listened to, can't hear until they've been heard. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell about a time you were so hungry you were faint, and then tell what you did about it. Research online to learn how many in the world are that hungry right now. Report and discuss.

2.    Read or listen to Genesis 25:19-34. Dramatize, dance, draw, or poeticize this story. There are two scenes with two people in each scene. Show the feelings of each participant.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 119:105-112. How much do you value the Bible? On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (above all), and among all your other values, where does respect for the Bible and reading the Bible show up in your life?

4.    Read or listen to Romans 8:1-11. Find here what it is that the Spirit helps a person to “mind” or attend to. Describe how this works or doesn’t work for you, and discuss.

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. First, focus on the different soils, how they got that way and what could be done to improve each. Second, focus on the seed, what it is and how it fares in each instance. Third, focus on the sower, who he or she is and how he or she feels about the action being done and its results. Tell where you are in this story and what you will do because of this insight.


1. Cuéntenos acerca de una época en la que tenía tanta hambre que se desmayaba, y luego diga lo que hizo al respecto. Investigue en el internet para saber cuántas personas en el mundo están con hambre en este momento.  Informar y discutir.

2. Leer o escuchar Génesis 25:19-34. Dramatizar,  bailar, dibujar o poetizar esta historia. Hay dos escenas con dos personas en cada escena. Mostrar los sentimientos de cada participante.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 119:105-112. ¿Cuánto valora la Biblia? En una escala del 1 (no mucho) al 10 (más que todo), y entre todos sus otros valores ¿dónde muestra  el respeto por la Biblia y la lectura de la Biblia en su vida?

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 8:1-11. Encuentre aquí como es  que el Espíritu ayuda a una persona a "entender" o a prestar atención. Describa cómo es que esto funciona o no funciona para usted, y discutir.

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 13:1-9, 18-23. Primero, enfocarse en los diferentes suelos, cómo es que se formaron de esa manera y qué se podría hacer para mejorar cada uno.  Segundo, enfóquese en la semilla, qué son y cómo se cotizan en cada caso. Tercero, enfóquese  en el sembrador, quién es él o ella, y cómo se sienten él o ella sobre la acción que están haciendo y sus resultados.  Diga dónde se encuentra en esta historia y qué hará a causa de esta percepción.