February 4, 2018, Lectionary

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Here's a magnificent rhetorical piece, propelled by most significant questions to an amazing climax. God is unobtainable, incomparable, yet undeviatingly attentive to weak and tired humans. Isaiah 40:21-31

Your Word runs swiftly; Your Word melts ice. Here are two more supernatural powers carried by that superpower, God's Word! Psalm 147

Paul refused pay for preaching the gospel, so as not to open that door for misuse or abuse of the power advantage that accrued to him in preaching the gospel. 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Things Jesus did: pray, preach, heal diseases, cast out demons. But in verse 38, it sounds like he's saying preaching is what he came for. Hmmm. Mark 1:29-39

Thoughts about Listening

Thinking about what steps I might take to really hear someone with whom I disagree. Isaiah 40:21-31

If your word is strong, if people know you will do what you say you will do, then your word is one of your superpowers. Psalm 147

Giving listening as a gift to the person whose words represent something you disagree with, or even detest, requires special skills. 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Try listing your purpose in one word. Impossible? Okay give three words or a simple sentence that describes your purpose. This exercise is one way to enhance your sense of meaning in life. Mark 1:29-39

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    What is it about the Bible that you love? Tell someone.

2.    Read or listen to Isaiah 40:21-31. Read this together, or take turns by half the group reading together. Listen to each other’s voices. Scan the chapter and list ways of describing God, then ways of describing humans.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 147. Compare Isaiah 40:8, and list some supernatural powers of God’s Word.

4.    Read or listen to 1 Corinthians 9:16-23. Read verse 18 in as many different translations as you can, including the King James Version (1611), the Revised Version of 1885 (online), and some newer versions. Ponder the differences as changes, over time, in English usage. Read verses 19-21 and decide and discuss whether Paul’s changeability is more like that of a chameleon or a yoga practitioner.

5.    Read or listen to Mark 1:29-39. List the things Jesus did. Is there one of those that seems more important according to this reading? What can you do this week to make more room for giving attention to God’s Word and Jesus’ words?


1.    ¿Qué es lo que amas de la Biblia?  Dígaselo a alguien.

2.    Leer o escuchar  Isaías 40: 21-31. Lean esto juntos como grupo dividiéndose la lectura o tomen turnos. Escuchen las voces de los demás. Escudriñen el capítulo y enumeren las formas de describir a Dios, luego las formas de describir a los humanos.

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 147. Compare Isaías 40: 8 y enumere algunos poderes sobrenaturales de la Palabra de Dios.

4.    Leer  o escuchar 1 Corintios 9: 16-23. Leer el versículo 18 en tantas traducciones diferentes como pueda, incluida la versión King James (1611), la versión revisada de 1885 (en línea) y algunas versiones más recientes. Medite las diferencias, como los cambios en el tiempo, en el uso del inglés. Lea los versículos 19-21 y decida y analice si la capacidad de cambio de Pablo se parece más a la de un camaleón o un practicante de yoga.

5.    Leer o escuchar  Marcos 1: 29-39. Enumere las cosas que hizo Jesús. ¿Hay alguno que parezca más importante según esta lectura? ¿Qué puede hacer esta semana para dejar más espacio para prestar atención a la Palabra de Dios y a las palabras de Jesús?