January 8, 2017, Lectionary

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God will establish justice by holding our hand as we go out to act in just ways to be the evidence of God's promise, not any glory to us. Isaiah 42:1-9

Yes, the Lord is sovereign King forever, ruling by His voice, bringing the people strength, blessing, and peace. Psalm 29

Peter's thesis statement arrives bluntly at the beginning of his sermon, "I understand for sure now that God shows no partiality." Acts 10:34-43

Imagine if you were a by-stander at Jesus' baptism and heard the voice. Let your imagined responses infiltrate your day. Matthew 3:13-17

Thoughts about Listening

In pursuing our new goals, let us mind our wake, never stepping on another or crushing another person's spirit or voice. Isaiah 42:1-9

Voice can praise and empower. Voice can make hurt and disaster. Voice can be crushed and silenced. Notice the voices. Psalm 29

The proper purpose of much preaching, teaching, speaking, and mentoring is to remind rather than to instruct. Acts 10:34-43

Use your voice today to affirm a relationship you cherish. Matthew 3:13-17

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell the group how many were in your family in your growing-up years. Were there times you felt the family treated you or others unfairly? Share and discuss the feelings of unfairness.

2.    Read or listen to Isaiah 42:1-9. Ponder who is speaking, and about whom. Since it is not clear in the text who this servant might be, discuss as many options and identities as you can. Describe the goal in this reading.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 29. Discuss how important to you is your voice. What is the goal of the sounding of God’s voice?

4.    Read or listen to Acts 10:34-43. Read the whole chapter and then draw or dramatize the story. What would you say is the main point of Peter’s statement here?

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 3:13-17. If you had been a bystander in the moment described here, what would have been your thoughts and feelings at hearing the voice? Is there a voice you are shutting out today that you really would like to hear? What do you need to do to make yourself available to listen?


 1. Dígale al grupo cuántos eran en su familia en sus años de infancia.  ¿Hubo momentos en que sentía que la familia  trataba injustamente a usted o a otros?

2. Leer o escuchar Isaías 42:1-9. Reflexionar sobre quién es el que habla y de quién. Puesto que no está claro en el texto, quién es este servidor, discuta tantas opciones e identidades como pueda. Describa la meta en esta lectura.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 29. Discuta la importancia de su voz. ¿Cuál es el objetivo del sonido de la voz de Dios?

4. Leer o escuchar Hechos 10:34-43. Leer todo el capítulo y luego dibuje o dramatize la historia. ¿Cuál diría que es el punto principal de la declaración de Pedro?

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 3:13-17. Si usted hubiera sido un espectador en el momento aquí descrito. ¿Cuáles habrían sido sus pensamientos y sentimientos al oír la voz? ¿Hay una voz que usted está cayando que realmente  quisiera escuchar hoy? ¿Qué es lo que necesita hacer para estar dispuesto a escuchar?