February 12, 2017, Lectionary

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What rises up before one rebels against God's offer of life and death? Entitlement? Self-sufficiency? Fear of fear? Other? Deuteronomy 30:15-20

The longest chapter in the Bible opens with being whole-hearted in seeking God with genuine intention. Psalm 119:1-8

How do you read it? Is it true that Paul calls for, or claims, not "equality," but for nothingness? 1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Of the five sections, "You've heard . . . but I say . . . ," three are about the Ten Commandments; Jesus full-filling the law. Matthew 5:21-37

I prayed for everyone who knows me or will be in my presence today, that God will finish the good begun in you. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Thoughts about Listening

Just suppose there is someone or something much bigger than presidents, globalization, or science, that is calling the shots. Deuteronomy 30:15-20

I like reading the longest chapter in the Bible. It helps me ponder fairness in heart and laws. Psalm 119:1-8

Planting the idea, nurturing, developing, implementing, reaping benefits, all working together to serve a common goal. 1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Be so true and transparent that you need no expletives or clever word tricks, especially those turned against another person. Matthew 5:21-37

Ancients used to try to put names on the parts that constitute a whole person: body, mind, heart, spirituality, etc. Why? 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Discuss with your Bible Reading Group how inclusive you feel you can be. Can you . . . Live in a mixed-race community? House a refugee in your home? Make a three-way marriage? Keep and feed cancer (or an unplanned child) in your body?

2.    Read or listen to Deuteronomy 30:15-20. I invite you to try to read this as God being utterly inclusive, calling all to life and showing the way to life. Compare Psalm 81:12-16, then read the Deuteronomy words aloud together.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 119:1-8. Find the all the words for what God would have a person do, and then find the mentions of “heart” to understand and discuss how to do them.

4.    Read or listen to 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. In verses 7 and 8 Paul cited the planter and the waterer in a gardening project. How did he describe the two: equal, not anything, or one? Discuss.

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 5:21-37. Compare Exodus 20:1-17 to discover which of the commandments Jesus cited. How did He deepen and fill out each one? Can you see a pattern in the way He dealt with them? Now read Matthew 5:17, 19 together and discuss how verses 21-37 might explain verses 17 and 19.


1.  Discuta con su Grupo de Lectura de la Biblia lo inclusivo que siente que puede ser.¿Puede . . . Vivir en una comunidad de raza mixta? ¿Acoger a un refugiado en su casa? Hacer un matrimonio polígamo? ¿Mantener y alimentar a el cáncer (o a un niño no planeado) en su cuerpo?

2. Lea o escuche Deuteronomio 30: 15-20. Los invito a tratar de leer esto como Dios, siendo totalmente inclusivo, llamando a todos a la vida y mostrando el camino a la vida. Compare el Salmo 81: 12-16, luego lean juntos en voz alta, las palabras de Deuteronomio.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 119: 1-8. Encuentre todas las palabras para lo que Dios quiere que una persona haga, y luego encuentre las menciones de "corazón" para entender y discutir cómo hacerlas.

4. Leer o escuchar 1 Corintios 3: 1-9. En los versículos 7 y 8, Pablo citó al sembrador y al  que riega en un proyecto de jardinería. ¿Cómo describió a los dos: como iguales, como no cualquier cosa, o como uno? Discutir.

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 5: 21-37. Compare con Éxodo 20: 1-17 para descubrir cuál de los mandamientos citó Jesús. ¿Cómo profundizó y llenó cada uno? ¿Puede ver un patrón en la manera en la que El lidió con ellos? Ahora lean juntos Mateo 5:17, 19 y discutan cómo los versículos 21-37 podrían explicar los versículos 17 y 19.