Romans 2:5-11

1.    Notice verse 6. Discuss the place of deeds, actions, and works in Paul’s writings. Notice also 2 Corinthians 5:10; Ephesians 2:8-10; and Philippians 2:12-13.

2.    Enjoy considering the construction of verses 7-10. There are parallelisms, oppositions, and chiasm. What would you say it means that something is said twice? What is the function of these verses in their context?

3.     How do you feel about two choices, only two choices, and one ending up right and the other wrong? Can you think of other instances in Old or New Testament of two choices?

4.    What does verse 11 mean to you? How does it impact your life? Do you believe it?

5.    Ponder the function of this passage in the outline of the letter. Look for images and echoes from the Old Testament. Look for similarities in Paul’s other letters. Look for echoes of Jesus. What questions arise for you out of the reading of this text? What did you learn that was new to you, or a new way of looking at something? What does this text tell you about God and about yourself? About humans in general?

Wilma’s Notes:
2:5    Isaiah 13:9, 13; Ezekiel 7:19; 38:19; Zephaniah 1:15, 18; Revelation 6:18.
2:6    Job 34:11; Psalm 62:12; Proverbs 24:12; Revelation 20:12; 22:12.
2:7-10    Choices: Genesis 2-3; Psalm 1; Proverbs 7-8; Matthew 7:24-27; 21:28-31, 25:1-13. Who gets to judge: Matthew 7:13-14; 13:24-30; 25:31-46; John 5:28-29; Revelation 14:14-20.
2:11    Job 34:19; Acts 10:34; Ephesians 6:9; James 2:1-9.