Six Kinds of Difficult Listening

Six Kinds of Difficult Listening, when listening matters for specific outcomes: for Thriving in Diversity, for Overturning Persistent Ignorance, for Managing Conflict, for Reducing Generalized Anxiety, for Stopping Verbal Abuse, and for Surviving Malicious Intent. In this order.

Of the Six Kinds of Difficult Listening, we will consider malicious intent last. Entertaining the early assumption, without due and orderly process, that the other person has malicious intent is, by definition, not listening. We will consider other possibilities first.

Of the Six Kinds of Difficult Listening, we will consider diversity first because, unless connected with other difficulties, diversity is the easiest and affects the most people. First, try methods for the easier kind of difficult listening, then proceed to the more difficult. 

People sometimes include a variety of situations under the common heading "Conflict." For better listening, we will study "conflict" under six different headings: diversity, persistent ignorance, conflict, pervasive anxiety, abuse, and malice. 

Copyright 2014 Wilma Zalabak